North Carolina Implants and Periodontics

Am I Going To Have A Permanent New Smile With Implants In Raleigh, NC?

Feb 3, 2024 @ 05:30 AM — by Thiago Morelli
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For those who have one or more missing teeth, they can replace those missing teeth with tooth implants in Raleigh, NC. Depending on the number of missing teeth people have, they can get treated with single dental implants, implant supported dentures, and full mouth dental implants. No matter which type of tooth implant option patients get treated with however, each one benefits the look, function, and health of their smile.


Tooth implants can even give patients a permanent new smile. Curious to learn more about how tooth implants can give patients a permanent new smile? Continue reading to learn about how tooth implants can give patient's a permanent new smile.

How Will Tooth Implants In Raleigh, NC Give Me A Permanent New Smile?

Tooth implants are made to be a permanent tooth replacement option. Tooth implants are a permanent tooth replacement option because of the dental implant post. This is because the dental implant post is made to act like a natural tooth root. The dental implant post is made from biocompatible material, typically titanium. This helps give the patient a healthy and long-lasting new smile.


When the dental implant post is placed in the patient's jawbone, it will fuse with the jawbone in a process called osseointegration. Once the dental implant post has fully fused with the patient's jawbone, it will be a permanent part of their smile. The dental implant post also stimulates the patient's jawbone, just like a natural tooth root, so that it is strong and healthy enough to support their new smile.


The prosthesis (tooth crowns) part of a dental implant structure is also custom made to give the patient a durable and natural looking new smile. Once the prosthesis has been securely attached to the dental implant post with an abutment, the patient will have long-lasting new smile. With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last for years to come.

What Are The Benefits Of Getting A Permanent New Smile With Tooth Implants?

The benefits of getting a permanent new smile with tooth implants are multifaceted, contributing positively to one's well-being and quality of life. The following goes into detail how permanently placed dental implants will benefit a patient's smile in so many ways.

Restores Dental Functionality:

Permanently placed tooth implants restore the patient’s dental functionality, allowing them to bite, chew, and speak properly. With restored dental functionality, patients will be able to have a varied diet for proper nutrition, and no dietary restrictions.

Preserves Facial Structure:

Permanently placed tooth implants preserve the patient's facial structure by preventing jawbone density loss, giving the patient a youthful facial appearance.

Are Highly Durable:

High durability is another advantage of permanently placed tooth implants. This is because dental implants are designed to withstand the wears and tears of daily use.

Give Patients A Beautiful Looking New Smile

The color, shape, and size of a prosthesis, for a permanently placed tooth implant, is custom designed to give the patient beautiful new teeth that look natural in their smile.

Are A Convenient Tooth Replacement Option:

Unlike traditional dentures, tooth implants a do not require adhesives because of the permanently placed dental implant post and the securely attached prosthesis.

By getting treated with permanently placed dental implants, will have an easier time eating, speaking, and smiling.

Come To Our Office So We Can Transform Your Smile With Tooth Implants

When you come to our caring and dedicated practice, we can expertly place your tooth implants so that you can get the permanent new smile of your dreams. By getting treated with permanently and securely placed tooth implants, you will be able to maintain a normal diet, speak clearly, and smile confidently.


Whether you need to replace one missing tooth with a single dental implant, or a full arch of missing teeth with full mouth dental implants, we can give you the restored new smile you need and deserve. Why wait to get the new smile of your dreams? Get in contact with Dr. Thiago Morelli, Dr. Teebok Choe, and our exceptional team at our North Carolina Implants and Periodontics practice to schedule an appointment today!